~ Various Details ~
Misc Things Not Covered in Other Chapters
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"Impossible is just an opinion"
Well folks, we are nearing the end now. Its been a heckuva wild ride, hope you enjoyed the trip!
Here is where I will include a whole bunch of misc finishing details and and a lot more stuff. This is mostly all inside, except the black tank. Oh, where do I start? So many little details..... Well some are not little!
A lot of this was actually done before finishing the outside. It rains so much in Surrey BC where I did this that there were many days and even weeks where I had to keep the tarp on.
Let's do the kitchen countertop first.
Click on Images to Enlarge

Countertop Layout:
I bought a preformed piece of countertop from the local big box store. I ripped that ugly built in backsplash off. First, measure and mark out the cutout area.

Countertop Layout:
Closeup of the layout. I marked the rectangle, then found a round object with the same curve as the sink corner and marked it, and the center point.

Corner Cut Outs:
Using a holesaw with the same radius as the sink corner, I drilled the holes through from the top, most of the way through, but not completely through.

Corner Cut Outs:
Clean the sawdust away and I'm left with the corners ready. I cut the first right through, but opted to finish the others from the back to avoid damage.

Laminate Protection:
Using a wide strip of masking tape, I ran a line around the cut area. The tape is to avoid chipping the laminate when I finish the cuts.

Finish The Cut Out:
With a sharp carbide finishing blade in my circular saw, I very carefully shallow cut the lines, to avoid chipping the laminate surface.

Finished Cutout:
The same careful prep and cutting was done for the stove opening. I had to be careful not to break that skinny side.

Sink Installed:
And Voila! The finished counter with sink in place. Just need to hook up the plumbing now.

Stove Opening:
A down low shot to show the stove opening. The whole thing is fastened down from underneath.
Next up, the converter. I made sure I tagged all the wires so I would know what each circuit is and where it all goes

Old Installation:
These first 2 pics are from the beginning, before I tore everything apart. I wanted to ensure I remembered where it all went

Old Installation:
The wiring detail is simple when you understand electrical. I did these pics to note locations of everything.

Converter Back In:
For now I'll use the old one. It boils the batteries. Going to swap it out later for a nice PD unit with Intelli-Charger.

Basic Wiring:
I did a basic hookup for now so my plugs and lights worked. It's coming out later anyways.

Wiring In Progress:
Still have to tidy this up and build a temporary distribution center until I replace the converter.

More Wiring:
Sink drain in the back, alarm wires sitting on top of it and some misc sitting there waiting for me to finish.

Old Black Tank:
You cannot see it, but the toilet flange is badly cracked, one of them about 6 inches long. I decided to scrap it.

Old Black Tank:
It was hard to get a decent picture, but you can see one of the definite cracks in the threads for the toilet flange.

New Black Tank:
The price was very reasonable. It included putting in the fittings to my specs. Kinda looks like a little coffin!

Black Tank Installed:
It is actually further off the ground than it looks. I have the front of the trailer cranked way up due to the slope of my driveway.

Fresh Water Tank:
Hows that for a stupid design? The filler is 2/3 the way up the tank. How do you fill it to the top? You Don't. I scrapped this one and replaced it.

Fresh Water Tank:
Craigslist was my friend. I found a good used tank for about 20 bucks. All plumbing and pump in place now and the tank is strapped down.

Finished Bed Frame:
Ready to put the top on.

Finished Bed:
Well, if I get into the doghouse, I have a place to sleep now. Wheres that foamy........? I re-used the original padded sides for now. Might redo them later.

New Foam Mattress:
Got a good deal on a chunk of foam. Yes, that's the same electric knife I use to carve up the Christmas turkey! It works like a charm to slice up thick foam.

Fridge Cabinet:
Don't know if this is necessary or not, but I decided to seal up the entire fridge opening. Seemed like a good idea at the time.... Who knows?

Fridge Opening:
All ready for the fridge now.

Fridge Opening:
The view from the bottom looking up out the top. Everything is sealed off. See the tarp on the roof? This was done prior to putting the new roof skin on.

Microwave Shelf:
Could have been for a TV too. Plugs and switches all hooked up now. I added a light above the inside of of the door, and a switch just inside, reachable from the outside. Easy access, and light for entry.

Light Switches:
This is inside the fridge compartment. One each for the porch and inside entry lite.

Water Pump Switch:
Not sure why they stuck it on the end of the bed, but it was as good a place as any, so I put it back there.
Fridge Conversion: The fridge that came with the trailer was a 2 way - gas and 110V. I decided to convert it to a 3 way so it could be used off 12V as well. I found a dead 3 way fridge for parts on Craigslist. I set them both up on sawhorses and proceeded to convert my good fridge to 3 way. It's actually easy to do if you have the parts.

2 Fridges:
I guess it was a fluke finding another fridge identical to mine. I found a lot of used parts for this project.

2 Fridges:
The back of them, ready for conversion. Pretty simple task when they are identical units aside from the 3 way.

Fridge Workings:
I did them both together, noting where wires and stuff went. Pull the essentials off one, put it on the other, done.

Fridge Workings:
I opened up the tube area to put the 12V element in. It goes to this stuff here. It all worked

AC Unit:
I set it up on sawhorses to fix it. It draws too much current and blows the breaker. I'll leave it till later. Got other work to do

The Spirit Hut:
This sign was there when I bought the thing. I thought it was kinda neat, so the intention was to put it back in once the rebuild was complete.

Bathroom Vanity:
Plumbing is all done and in place now. I re-used all the old pipes. Can't replace everything..

Bathtub Installed:
Tub is all fastened in now, plumbing hooked up. I want to replace it, but can take it apart again later.

Bathroom Overview:
Mostly complete now, just need to do the tub face and the cabinet doors. There's that little shelf at the back.

Completed Vanity:
Finished! New top made, sink installed, shelf, plumbing and taps. Just need to make a door

Black Tank Vent:
I drilled the holes in the shelves and dropped the pipe down from the roof to get it in.

Front Shelf:
I built this little shelf to match the one in the back of the bathroom. Handy for setting stuff on. This also serves as a stiffener for the front of the trailer. It all helps to lend strength to the overall unit.

The Old Trailer Parts:
I piled all the old dead wood here for now until I figure out what I'm going to do with it all - quite a pile!

The Old Trailer Parts:
And you thought the last pic was a big pile! Here is the rest of it. Can't believe I replaced all that, one piece at a time.....

The Old Trailer Parts:
Closer shot of the first pile. Wow, that's a serious heap of rotten old wood. Now to get rid of it. Hmmm, I have a fireplace!

The Well Used Fireplace:
In case you wondered what I am doing with all that old, rotten wood.........
Well, it kept my house warm one winter! Took me a winter to get rid of it all, but hey! Free heat is good and I didn't have to pay to get rid of it.

Mug Shot:
Who is this grinning gargoyle?
Must be a crazy man who rebuilt a rotten old junkheap!

Cabinet Door Frame:
One of the old door pieces from the stiles and rails that made the doors. They were all swollen from moisture and no good. Finding a suitable replacement was a big issue. I never did find anything suitable. I will have to design and build my own.

I found a great deal on ebay for these nifty little 12V clocks. They were perfect for what I wanted for the RV.

With a nice small profile, they had a removable bezel and a metal mounting bracket to fasten it somewhere.

I opted to use the bezel. It has a couple of plastic clips built in so it clicks in place into an opening cut for it.

Could have done without the massive ad on the face, but oh well... Perfect size for what I wanted, and a clock only.

Clock Opening:
This one is cut into the wall at the foot of the bed. I like to know what the time is when I wake up in the night.

Clock Opening:
This one in in the wall above the left side of the stove. Always nice to know the time when cooking dinner.

Clock Opening:
Closeup of the clock cutout. Note the heavy wires inside the wall. These are for the solar prewire up into the roof.

Finished Clocks:
Ready for use. The switch beside it is for the power to the light. I can turn it off if it is too bright at night.

Finished Clocks:
It has been a lot of years now, but unless my memory is failing me, seems to me it was 2:39 when I took this picture!

Rear Speakers:
New speakers. I put my driver bit right through the one on the right. Grrrr! A brand new speaker - never even uttered a sound before I wrecked it.

New Stereo:
Nice fancy Pioneer AM/FM Cassette CD Stereo. Bluetooth and USB sticks weren't invented yet, so this was the best! The rocker switch is power, like a car ignition

Front Speakers:
And bottom of upper bunk. Yes I know the light is crooked - not screwed down yet. I want to replace them all. It gives me light for now.

New Converter Time:
This temporary install was 4 months ago. Time to pull it out and replace it with something more modern.

New Converter Time:
Ready to disconnect it. Note the special wire disconnect tool sitting there ready for action. Snip snip snip!

Spaghetti Mess:
Old one gone, leaving behind a lovely pile of wires waiting for a new home. Don't worry, I know where they all go!

New PD Converter:
Good investment for any RV. After much research I decided on a Progressive Dynamics unit with Intelli-Charger.

New Distribution Center:
Can't have a new converter without a distribution center for all the circuits. This one is a lot more compact.

New Distribution Center:
Back of the new unit. Lots of openings for circuits. I do like the compact size and the neat trim look.

New Distribution Center:
Front open view, 110V wires come in on the left, breakers in the middle and the 12V circuits and fuses on the right

Oops, Doesn't Fit:
Too bad I didn't consider this when I first built the cabinet front. At that time I wasn't going to replace the converter.

Mounting Mod:
I built a sub-face for the opening to fit the much smaller size of the new distribution center. Easy fix.

Mounted Power Center:
Shore power cable in black, and the 110V circuits in place . Wires neatly clamped onto the cabinet framing.

110V Mostly done:
All the main 110 circuits hooked up, breakers in. Just have to wire in all the 12V runs and fuse them.

Panel Overview:
Spaghetti mess is now untangled and in order. It really helps knowing and understanding how all this stuff works.

Window Cleanup:
Here is a task I have been putting off. Removing and cleaning up all that caked on butyl sealant. What a task!

Window Cleanup:
First I had to scrape off the bulk of it with a chisel and a tiny screwdriver for the grooves. Took me many hours to do.

Window Cleanup:
The tools: A bucket of paint thinner, the aforementioned chisel and screwdriver, couple small wire brushes, lots of rags.

Overall View:
Pretty much done except cabinet doors. Got on the floor for this shot. Ready for appliances now. Getting there! Yes the lights are crooked. They are hanging by 1 screw. Going to buy new ones.

Front To Back:
Put some doors on it, a bit of trim and we have an RV again!

Overall View:
Towards the front. The upper bunk in the front is not yet finished. It makes a flip up section with cabinet doors for storage. Right now it is a catch all for all my tools and fasteners etc.

Dirty Driveway:
This was earlier in the project. Gotta move it out once in a while and power wash the driveway. It gets very dirty.
I hope you have learned something here from all this. Namely, be sure to address and water leaks you may find.
And another point is that for every bit of visual water damage you can see, there is ten times that amount that's hidden! Never underestimate the damage water leaks can do in a very short period of time....